K. Kerameus, Studia Iuridica V, 2008

This volume contains essays and articles exclusively written in languages other than Greek during the years 1993-2006. Some of them are published here for the first time. In many, but not in all instances, the present publication is not the first one. However, quite a number of pieces come here for the first time in modern legal discourse. Regardless of the first or subsequent publication, what appears here is the initial study, and in its initial language.
In terms of content, the present volume V mainly pertains to civil procedure:
I: General Part of Civil Procedure, nos. 423-435;
II: Provisional Relief, nos. 436-438;
III: Arbitration, nos. 439-443;
IV: Enforcement, nos. 444-462;
V: The Brussels Convention and Regulation EC 44/2001, nos. 463-477;
VI: Comparative Law and Legal Harmonization, nos. 478-491;
VII: Substantive Law, nos. 492-505; and
VIII: Varia, nos. 506-525.
The division between civil procedure and substantive law has been kept. However, even in the procedural ambit some thematic preference becomes visible. Topics like provisional relief, arbitration, enforcement, international jurisdiction, and comparative law, including legal harmonization, make themselves growingly relevant. In this respect, one might consider such topics as a balanced mirror as well of actual procedural framework or, in modern parlance, of common frame of reference, within the European Union.
Με τους τελευταίους τόμους των Studia Juridica ολοκληρώνεται η δημοσίευση των μικρότερων μελετών του καθηγητή Κ. Δ. Κεραμέως.
Όπως τονίζεται στον πρόλογο του τόμου IV σ. IX, «Είναι προφανής η διεύρυνση του διεθνούς και συγκριτικού προβληματισμού στις δικονομικές και τις συναφείς ουσιαστικού δικαίου αναζητήσεις. Αυτή η σχετική ανακατανομή βάρους βρίσκεται σε αρμονία προς χαρακτηριστικές τάσεις της εποχής μας, ιδίως την απονομή κεντρικής σημασίας στο δικονομικό διεθνές δίκαιο». Ακόμη πιο έντονη είναι η αμοιβαία αλληλεξάρτηση των νομικών ρυθμίσεων στο πεδίο των διεθνών συναλλαγών. Η αγγλική γλώσσα παραμένει κυριαρχούσα και το εφαρμοζόμενο εκάστοτε δίκαιο κινείται στη σύγκλιση ιδιωτικού και δημοσίου δικαίου, ημεδαπού και αλλοδαπού, εσωτερικού και διεθνούς, κοινού και συνταγματικού δικαίου.
Edition info
Table of contents +-
Contents IX
Greek Legal Abbreviations XIII
423. Civil Justice in Greece
424. Dictionnaire de la Justice : Grèce (Époque contemporaine)
425. L’ordre public dans le procès. Procédure civile, pénale, adminis-trative, arbitrale
426. Pouvoirs du juge et réforme procédurale. Considérations sur l’expérience hellénique
427. Some Thoughts About the Function of Jurisdiction in Our Era
428. Closing Speech at the Thessaloniki International Colloquium of 21-25 May 1997
429. Procedural Tools in the Different European States Concerning the Uniform Interpretation of Law by the Supreme Courts: A Comparative Presentation
430. Impact of a Civil Claim in Criminal Proceedings on Issues of Ju-risdiction and Res Judicata
431. Main Features of the Greek Law of Evidence
432. Lawyers’ Professional Duties under Greek Law
433. Statut et responsabilité des huissiers de justice en droit helléni-que
434. Validity of Service under Greek Law
435. Der griechische Sanierungsvergleich und die Drittwiderspruchs-klage
436. Provisional Relief in a Comparative Perspective. An Address
437. Provisional Remedies in Transnational Litigation
438. Finality of Judgments with Regard to Injunctions under Greek Law
439. The New Greek Law on International Commercial Arbitration
440. International Arbitration and Investment Protection
441. Anti-Suit Injunctions in ICSID Arbitration
442. La contribution de l’arbitrage à l’harmonisation internationale des règles de procédure civile
443. Waiver of Setting-Aside Procedures in International Arbitration
444. Constitutional Parameters of Civil Enforcement
445. Problèmes actuels des voies d’exécution civile en droit helléni-que
446. Remarques comparatives sur l’exécutatibité
447. Provisional Enforceability of Judgments
448. Geldvollstreckungsarten in vergleichender Betrachtung
449. Parties in Enforcement Proceedings from a Comparative View-point
450. Enforcement against the State and State Entities in a Compara-tive Perspective
451. Sanctions against Non-Compliance with Enforceability
452. Instances and Consequences of Illegal Enforcement
453. Further Requirements to Enforcement Proceedings in a Com-parative Perspective
454. Development of Enforcement Proceedings in a Comparative Perspective
455. Comparative Aspects of Litigation Pertaining to Enforcement
456. Problems of Levy in a Comparative Perspective
457. Sale or Collection of Assets Levied Upon
458. Garnishment in a Comparative Perspective
459. Distribution Proceedings and Relationships among Creditors in a Comparative Perspective
460. Enforcement of Non-Money Judgments and Orders in a Com-parative Perspective
461. Actual Problems of Enforcement Law in the European Union
462. Table ronde sur l’injonction de payer européenne – Conclusions
463. La Convention de Bruxelles : Un aperçu général
464. Modern Perspectives of International Jurisdiction
465. La compétence internationale en matière délictuelle dans la Convention de Bruxelles
466. Vertrag und Delikt in der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
467. The Brussels Convention: Scope of Application and Lis Alibi Pendens. A Legal Opinion
468. Jurisdiction under the Brussels Convention for Judicial Costs. A Legal Opinion
469. Neuerungen im Hinblick auf die internationale Zuständigkeit nach der Verordnung 44/2001
470. The Scope of Application of the Brussels Convention and its Ex-tension to Matrimonial Matters
471. Jurisdiction under the Regulation EC 44/2001: Place of Per-formance of the Contract and Some Matters of Lis Pendens
472. Erweiterung des EuGVÜ-Systems und Verhältnis zu Drittstaa-ten
473. Enforcement of Judgments under Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000. Some Introductory Remarks
474. The Scope of Recognition of Judgments: Requirements Other than the Jurisdictional Ones
475. Das Brüsseler Vollstreckungsübereinkommen und das griechi-sche Recht der Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von ausländi-schen Entscheidungen
476. Fonction et nécessité d’un passeport judiciaire
477. La traduction des actes dans le règlement du 29 mai 2000
478. Procedural Harmonization in Europe
479. Political Integration and Procedural Convergence in the Euro-pean Union
480. Une procédure civile sans frontières : Harmonisation et unifica-tion du droit procédural
481. Angleichung des Zivilprozessrechts in Europa : Einige grundle-gende Aspekte
482. Procédure civile nationale et exigences communautaires
483. Some Reflections on Procedural Harmonisation: Reasons and Scope
484. Der Zivilprozess und die internationale Rechtsentwicklung
485. International Procedural Harmonization and Autonomous In-terpretation
486. Scope of Application of the ALI / UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure
487. Procedural Implications of Civil Law Unification
488. Problems of Drafting a European Civil Code
489. Rechtsvergleichende Bemerkungen zur autonomen Urteilsvoll-streckung im Ausland
490. Comparative Law and Comparative Lawyers: Opening Remarks
491. Quelques réflexions sur le sort actuel du droit comparé
492. Wrongs Done and Undone
493. Quelques réflexions sur la longueur et la complexité des textes normatifs
494. Equity in Modern Greek Law
495. Grèce : Un aperçu du système juridique
496. L’influence du Code civil en Europe centrale et orientale
497. Die Kodifikation als Voraussetzung für Rezeptionen
598. Procedural Implications of Private Law Classification
599. Some Aspects of Greek Tort Law
500. Wrongfulness under Greek Law
501. Causation under Greek Law
502. Contributory Negligence under Greek Law
503. Strict Liability under Greek Law
504. Liability for Damage Caused by Others under Greek Law
505. Non-Pecuniary Loss under Greek Law
506. Foreigners and Nationals in Legal Contexts
507. Constraints and Freedom as Parameters of Law
508. Law Student Writing in the United States and Europe
509. Some Reflections on Modern Legal Education
510. Book Review of F. Juenger, Choice of Law and Multistate Justice
511. The Hellenic Institute of International and Foreign Law - 60 Years of Service to the Legal Community
512. Glimpses at Modern Legal Conceptions
513. XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law – Opening Ceremony
514. XVth International Congress of Comparative Law – Concluding Remarks
515. XVIth International Congress of Comparative Law – Opening Address
516. Préface à la troisième édition du Code civil hellénique
517. Ocean Bills of Lading – Foreword
518. Questions Speciales de la Convention de Bruxelles – Préface
519. André Gasis in memoriam (1909-2000)
520. Giuseppe Tarzia en tant que maître de la procédure civile inter-nationale
521. Laudatio auf W. Henckel in Athen
522. R. Perrot, Docteur honoris causa à Athènes
523. Doktor honoris causa in Hamburg (1993) – Ansprache
524. Réponse à l’éloge du Professeur Jacques Foyer lors de la remise du titre de Docteur honoris causa par l’Université Paris II (2000)
525. Doktor honoris causa in Wien (2003) – Ansprache
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