S. Mitas/K. Kalliris/V. Christou..., Paternalism and Criminal Law, 2018

S. Mitas/K. Kalliris/V. Christou..., Paternalism and Criminal Law, 2018

This volume deals with the problem of paternalism within the criminal law discourse. Autonomy, free will, the well-being of the persons and the limits of penalization are the crucial issues. In contradistinction to the moralizing and overprotecting stance of a maximal penal law in cases where paternalism is an issue, the proponents of autonomy and respect of free will vote for the total or almost total withdrawal of criminal law from this field. The volume is divided in two parts. In the first part paternalism is viewed as a general problem concerning wider contexts having to do with the criminal law discourse at a meta-theoretical level, as well as with certain problems of constitutionalism. The second part deals with specific criminal law issues.

Edition info

Paternalism and Criminal Law
Modern Problems of an Old Query
© 2018
ΧΙV + 220
€ 65.00
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Table of contents   +


Paternalism, Constitutionalism

and Criminal Law Discourse

Stergios Mitas

Lecturer in Legal Philosophy at the School of Law,

University of Nicosia

Justice and Virtue: The “My Body, My Choice” Debates Revisited,

in the Light of an – Often Overlooked – Kantian Distinction

Konstantinos Kalliris

Senior Lecturer in Law at Leicester De Montfort Law School

Liberalism, Paternalism and Diversity

Vasiliki Christou

Teaching Associate at the Political Sciences Department,

University of Athens

Affordable Care Act: Is the Individual Mandate Paternalistic or Liberal?

Felix Herzog

Professor in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Jurisprudence

at the Law Faculty, University of Bremen

Forced into Altruism?

Charis Papacharalambous

Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Law Theory

at the Law Department, University of Cyprus

Paternalism and its Significance in Criminal Law

Elisabeth Symeonidou-Kastanidou

Professor of Criminal Law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Self-Destructiveness as a Problem of Criminal Law

VI Contents


Specific Criminal Law Issues

Nestor Courakis

Professor at the School of Law, University of Nicosia

Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Self-Defense as a Domain of Moderate Paternalism:

The Need for Social Solidarity and Cohesion

Georgios Giannoulis

Assistant Professor of Criminology and Penitentiary Science

at the School of Law, University of Athens

Criminological, Legal and (Bio-)Ethical Aspects of Involuntary

Placement and Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Problems

and the Question of Paternalism

Vagia Chr. Polyzoidou

Lecturer in Criminal Law at the School oaf Law, University of Nicosia

Paternalism and Over-Criminalization: The Example of Child Pornography

John Gkountis

Scientific Assistant at the Criminal Sciences Sector, University of Thrace

Legal Paternalism: The Enforcement of Autonomy Restricting Standards

in Medicine by Means of the Criminal Law

Themistoklis Sofos

Dr. iur. (Bonn), Attorney-at-law, Athens

Informed Consent by the Treating Health Care Provider


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