Organisation for Mediation and Arbitration O.ME.D./K. Papadimitriou/S. Jašarević..., Recent trends of collective Bargaining in Balkan and SouthEastern European states, 2023

Organisation for Mediation and Arbitration O.ME.D./K. Papadimitriou/S. Jašarević..., Recent trends of collective Bargaining in Balkan and SouthEastern European states, 2023

OMED has the duty to intervene between employers and employees in an attempt to settle collective disputes. Three respective procedures of dispute settlement have been established: conciliation, mediation and arbitration. In this context, the neighboring residents of the Balkans have a lot to discuss, many common points, as well as some differences that offer the opportunity for a fruitful dialogue.

In the recent volume, the authors aim to analyze and discuss crucial and topical issues concerning collective disputes and develop a regional cooperation and understanding in the field of collective bargaining in the Balkans.

Edition info

Recent trends of collective Bargaining in Balkan and SouthEastern European states
© 2023
VI + 217
€ 30.00

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Table of contents   +


Introduction of the president of O.ME.D.

Costas Papadimitriou

Recent trends of collective bargaining in Greece

Senad Jašarević

Recent trends of collective bargaining in Serbia

Nicos Trimikliniotis

Recent trends of collective bargaining in Cyprus

Krassimira Sredkova

Collective bargaining in Bulgaria

Vesna Simović-Zvicer

Recent trends of collective bargaining in Montenegro

Ivana Grgurev

Recent trends of collective bargaining in Croatia

Aleksandar Ristovski

Recent trends of collective bargaining in North Macedonia.

Kübra Doğan Yenisey

Recent trends of collective bargaining in Türkiye

Raluca Dimitriu

Main trends of collective bargaining in Romania

Ioannis Koukiadis


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