L. Farmer/F. Herzog/Χ. Παπαχαραλάμπους..., The Aims of Punishment, 2020

L. Farmer/F. Herzog/Χ. Παπαχαραλάμπους..., The Aims of Punishment, 2020

The book will focus on various of the most recent streams of thought as to the philosophy of punishment, on international and interdisciplinary criminal law issues and the respective role of criminal sanctions as well as on law comparative issues concerning Cyprus and Greece. The theoretical part will more specifically present vistas relative to the relationship of criminal law and politics, whereas the international/interdisciplinary criminal justice discourse touches upon topics like EU and international criminal law, organized crime, sentencing, correctional policy and transitional justice issues. The comparative part deals with very interesting sectors of applied discourse as to punishment like suspension of imprisonment, life term, penology problems and problems of specific sanctions like confiscation.

Table of contents   +


Why and How to Punish?

Criminal Law and Politics

Lindsay Farmer

The Aims of Punishment and the Aims of the Criminal Law

Felix Herzog

Vindication of Law – The Expressive Signiicance of Punishment

in Terrorist Cases

Charis Papacharalambous

Penal Populism and the Aims of Punishment. The Emergence

of Policed Democracy

Frank Saliger

About the Communicative Factor in Newer, Especially Expressive

Penal Theories – A Few Critical Remarks

Anastasia Chamberlen · Henrique Carvalho

The Emotional Aims of Punishment

Ioannis Gkountis

The Unwarranted Use of Criminal Law as a Tool for Crisis-Management:

The Case of Symbolic Criminal Legislation

Artemis Savvidou

The Proportionality Principle as Basic Safeguard Regarding Provision

and Imposition of Criminal Sanctions

Christos D. Naintos

Aims of Punishment and Proportionality


Crucial International and Interdisciplinary Fields of Interest:

EU Criminal Law, Organized Crime, Comparative Studies

Athanasia Dionysopoulou

EU Criminal Law in the Post-Lisbon Era – Challenges for National

Criminal Policy

Athanasios Chouliaras · Marinos Skandamis

The Intensification of the Preventive Rationale in European Criminal

Justice Policies: the Evolution of Dangerousness and its Transformation

into Risk

Demetra Sorvatzioti

Why Sentencing Needs a Separate Trial in the Continental System

George Chloupis

Organized Criminal Action and Riskiness. Security and Insecurity.

The Limits Imposed by the Protection of Human Rights and the Extent

to which the Purposes of the Penalty Are Being Served in the Context

of Counter-Measures

Gorad Meško · Bojan Tičar · Rok Hacin

The Aims of Punishment, Sanctioning and Imprisonment in Slovenia –

Transitional Criminal Justice Perspectives


Comparative Part (1):

The Cypriot Experience

Andreas Kapardis

Punishing the Traffic Offender in Cyprus:

Practices, Concerns and Future Directions

Charalambos V. Charalambous

The suspension of the Sentence of Imprisonment as a Kind of Sentence


Comparative Part (2):

The Greek Experience

Nestor Courakis

Constraints on Deciding Sentence Severity by the Judges in Greece

Tonia Tzannetaki

The Potentially Perverse Effects of Front- and Back-Door Penal Policies.

The Greek Example

Elisavet Symeonidou-Kastanidou · Yannis Naziris

The New System of Penal Sanctions in Greece


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