Centre of International & European Economic Law/C. Deligianni-Dimitrakou/D. Koukiadis..., Digitalisation at Work, 2023

Centre of International & European Economic Law/C. Deligianni-Dimitrakou/D. Koukiadis..., Digitalisation at Work, 2023

The advancing technological changes that characterise the 4th industrial revolution have created peculiar and often novel issues in the world of work. The new disruptive technologies, i.e. those that do not simply evolve the existing ones but diversify them in an unexpected way through hyper-connectivity and interoperability, have caused radical changes in industrial relations and a paradigm shift in the legal regulation thereof.

In view of these unprecedented developments the question arises, whether the rules and institutions of labour law currently in place –at a national, international and supranational level– are able to successfully cope with the rapidly developing changes in the world of work brought about by the digital organisation of business or, whether it is necessary to adopt new rules instead and if so, to which direction. These are precisely the questions that the authors are aiming to respond to in the present volume entitled “Digitalisation at the Work: Challenges and Prospects” published in the framework of the Jean Monnet Project “Discourses on the constitutional identity of the European Union: the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights/EU Rights” and implemented by the Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) between 2020-2023.

Πληροφορίες έκδοσης

Digitalisation at Work
Challenges and Prospects
© 2023
Επιστημονική επιμέλεια
ΧΙ + 166
€ 25,00
Σε απόθεμα

Πίνακας περιεχομένων   +


Christina Deliyanni-Dimitrakou


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