Revue Hellénique de Droit International, vol. 1, 2012

Revue Hellénique de Droit International, vol. 1, 2012

Having first appeared in 1948, the Revue hellénique de droit international is the brainchild of the Hellenic Institute of International & Foreign Law, roughly founded a decade earlier, and of Professor Petros Vallindas, Institute Director at that time. The Revue was conceived as a means for highlighting the significant contribution that Greek scholars had been continuously making to public and private international law in modern times, but also for promoting knowledge of international law norms and comparative law techniques to the ever-growing, world-wide Greek legal community.

Six decades later, having grown considerably over the years, the Revue continues to serve this purpose by providing the following to a host of readers throughout the world:

- Articles, studies and notes on private international law, public international law, international business law, foreign law and comparative law;
- Presentation and analysis of Greek legal developments which are of focal interest to the international audience;
- Publication of translated key Greek codes and statutes;
- Reports and commentaries on international and domestic court decisions applying private and public international law and European community law;
- Information on international documents signed, ratified or acceded to by the Hellenic Republic; and
- Book reviews.

The Revue is characterized by variety: it was – and still remains – the only Greek legal periodical exclusively in a language other than Greek. It hosts a selection of contributions written in English, French and German; contributing authors are acclaimed scholars and young professionals alike, reporting from different jurisdictions of a great number of countries from all continents. It is set up and edited by a team of dedicated junior researchers, with the assistance of a scientific committee under the overall supervision by Professor Spyridon Vrellis, current Institute Director.

Πληροφορίες έκδοσης

Revue Hellénique de Droit International
© 2012
Επιστημονική διεύθυνση
τόμ. 1
VIII + 358
€ 80,00
Σε απόθεμα

Πίνακας περιεχομένων   +

table des matières

Première Partie - Articles

Dossier spécial : Aspects actuels de droit bancaire

Colloque international organisé par

l’Institut Hellénique de Droit International et Étranger

l’Institut de Recherche en Droit des Affaires de l’Université Paris Nord

le Centre d’Économie de l’Université Paris Nord

Athènes, le 11 novembre

Première session : Aspects économiques

Rapports :

Dominique Plihon - Banques centrales et stabilité financière

Michel Roux - Sortie de crise ou crise de la sortie : quelles leçons pour les modèles de banques

Deuxième session : Aspects économiques

Rapports :

Anne Penneau - Le jeu dangereux de la certification d’objets virtuels : illustration par la « notation » et les démarches « qualité » des entreprises

Christina Livada - Le gouvernement d’entreprise du secteur financier : évolutions et perspectives suite à la crise financière au niveau européen. L’exemple du Conseil d’administration

Intervention :

Izabella Tsirba - State aid to banks: Europe’s response to the financial crisis (?)

Troisième session : Crédits

Rapports :

Claire Spirou - Aspects juridiques des contrats de prêt de la Banque européenne d’investissement

Hélène Aubry - La réforme du droit du crédit à la consommation en France.

Pascale Bloch - Le sort du banquier prêteur en dernier ressort et la restriction des aides d’État

Quatrième session : Aspects internationaux

Chryssa Tsouca - Droit bancaire : aspects de droit international privé.

Eirini Parasyri - Cross-border reorganization and winding-up of credit institutions in light of the recent financial crisis

Nikolaos Davrados - OTC Derivatives and the conflict of laws

Interventions :

Alkaios Sivitanidis - Bulk assignment of debts in the conflict of laws

Evangelos Tolis - Les relations internationales de la Banque centrale européenne dans le cadre des organisations internationales

Propos conclusifs (par Pascale Bloch)

Deuxième Partie - Études

Iro Nikolakopoulou-Stephanou - European solidarity in the areas of immigration and asylum policy: From declaration to implementation

Troisième Partie - Jurisprudence

Eleftheria Neframi, Pierre-Yves Monjal & Georges Vallindas - Chronique de jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union Européenne (année 2011)

Quatrième Partie - Varia

Nikolaos Katiforis - Collective litigation in Greece: The role of judges & provisional measures in class actions.

Cinquième Partie - Notes bibliographiques

Rainer Nickel, Conflict of laws and laws of conflict in Europe and beyond – Patterns of supranational and transnational juridification (Nikolaos Davrados)

Stephan W. Schill, The multilaterization of international investment law (Panayotis Protopsaltis)

Τύπος περιεχομένου


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