Revue Hellénique de Droit International, vol. 1, 2011

Revue Hellénique de Droit International, vol. 1, 2011

Having first appeared in 1948, the Revue hellénique de droit international is the brainchild of the Hellenic Institute of International & Foreign Law, roughly founded a decade earlier, and of Professor Petros Vallindas, Institute Director at that time. The Revue was conceived as a means for highlighting the significant contribution that Greek scholars had been continuously making to public and private international law in modern times, but also for promoting knowledge of international law norms and comparative law techniques to the ever-growing, world-wide Greek legal community.

Six decades later, having grown considerably over the years, the Revue continues to serve this purpose by providing the following to a host of readers throughout the world:

- Articles, studies and notes on private international law, public international law, international business law, foreign law and comparative law;
- Presentation and analysis of Greek legal developments which are of focal interest to the international audience;
- Publication of translated key Greek codes and statutes;
- Reports and commentaries on international and domestic court decisions applying private and public international law and European community law;
- Information on international documents signed, ratified or acceded to by the Hellenic Republic; and
- Book reviews.

The Revue is characterized by variety: it was – and still remains – the only Greek legal periodical exclusively in a language other than Greek. It hosts a selection of contributions written in English, French and German; contributing authors are acclaimed scholars and young professionals alike, reporting from different jurisdictions of a great number of countries from all continents. It is set up and edited by a team of dedicated junior researchers, with the assistance of a scientific committee under the overall supervision by Professor Spyridon Vrellis, current Institute Director.

Πληροφορίες έκδοσης

Revue Hellénique de Droit International
64 ème ANNÉE, 1/2011
© 2011
Επιστημονική διεύθυνση
τόμ. 1
VIII + 502
€ 80,00
Σε απόθεμα

Πίνακας περιεχομένων   +

table des matières

Miklós Király - In memoriam Ferenc Mádl

Première Partie - Articles

Monika Pauknerová - Treatment of foreign law in a comparative perspective

Spiros V. Bazinas - Uniform receivables financing law: key policy aspects of the United Nations Convention on the assignment of receivables in international trade

Constantine D. Mortopoulos - Cave canes impugnates: a legal analysis on armed contractors, ‘peaceful mercenaries’, and the consequences on command responsibility

Special File: Adoption law in the Balkans

International conference organized by the Institute for the State

& the Law of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Sofia, 10 October

Ekrem Kurt - Adoption in the Turkish civil law

Ines Medić Musa - International adoption in countries of South-eastern Europe: Croatia – national legislation, applicable law

Flavius George Pancescu - L’adoption en Roumanie

Antonia R. Papadelli - Adoption according to Greek law

Zeynep Derya Tarman - Adoption under Turkish law

Spyridon Vrellis - The ordre public clause in the Greek case law on adoption

Mirko Živković & Sanja Marjanović - International adoption in Serbian law

Questionnaire on the law of adoption (A.R. Papadelli & Z.D. Tarman)

Deuxième Partie - Études

Georgios Panopoulos - Quels droits fondamentaux pour quel droit communautaire

Eleni Zervogianni - On the recovery of non-pecuniary loss in Greece

Troisième Partie - Jurisprudence

Eleftheria Neframi, Pierre-Yves Monjal & Georges Vallindas - Chronique de jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union Européenne (année 2010)

Ioannis Prezas - Quelques réflexions critiques sur l’avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de justice relatif au Kosovo

Spyridon Aktypis - L’effet direct de l’arrêt Avena : regards croisés de la Cour internationale de justice et de la Cour suprême des États-Unis d’Amérique

Quatrième Partie - Varia

Eugenia Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou - The Greek regulatory framework on confidentiality and its waiver in mobile communications (after the implementation of Directives 1995/46, 2002/58 & 2006/24/E.C.)

Evangelos Pournaras - Der Anspruch des Geschäftsführers auf Aufwandsentschädigung aus der Durchführung eines nichtigen wegen Verstoßes gegen eine verbietende Gesetzesvorschrift oder gegen die guten Sitten fremden Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrages im rahmen der echten berechtigten Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag

Dionysios P. Flambouras - Amendments in the sale of goods Act 1979 following implementation of Directive 1999/44/EC in the United Kingdom

Eleni Tzoulia - Die Auslegung des Begriffes „Maßnahmen gleicher Wirkung“ (Art. 34 AEUV) vom EuGH und ihre Bedeutung für das Recht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs und die grenzüberschreitende Werbung

Cinquième Partie - Notes bibliographiques

Hague Conference on private international law / Conférence de la Haye de droit international privé (ed.), Proceedings of the twentieth session / Actes et documents de la vingtième session, vol. III: Choice of Court / Élection de for (Claire Spirou)

Jan Hallebeek & Harry Dondorp (eds), The right to specific performance. The historical development (Claire Spirou) ……

Christof Trautrims, Das Kollisionsrecht der Personengesellschaften, Grundzuege des neuen internationalen Gesellschaftsrechts (Antonia R. Papadelli)

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